Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Silly Snow...

Having spend a good 30 minutes looking at the weather... I have decided that trying to run our mile tomorrow would be dangerous. The ground will be too slippery (track or road) and it will likely still be snowing.

So tomorrow we will have a normal class, and we will aim to run on TUESDAY (so on Monday I can remind you to dress appropriately).

Wednesday Homework

You know the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, and for a few days, we have looked at some data and graphs that go along with that story.

Now it's your turn.

Write your own "Race Story"... be sure to include data and a graph about the runners and the race.

You will get ALL the work you have turned in back tomorrow. There are also quite a few papers in the "No Name" folder... any missing work that you'd like to make-up is due FRIDAY IN CLASS (yes, I am giving you an extra night).

Term 3 ends on Friday.

Monday, February 27, 2012


In looking at the weather for the next few days....

I had planned on having us do our 1 mile run on THURSDAY. Currently, the weather is looking less than lovely, possible snow and a high of 39.

We can still run on Thursday, but everyone will need to dress for the weather.

The other option is this: we will continue with the lessons, and push the run to either Monday (sunny and 42) or Tuesday (sunny and 48) of next week... WE WILL RUN BY NEXT TUESDAY REGARDLESS OF THE WEATHER.

If we wait, you will have additional information to consider when you analyze your run.

I will take a vote in class, and you can of course post your opinion here. :)

I've been training! Who thinks they can run faster than me??

NOTE: There will be a variety of "awards" for the 1 mile run :)

Monday Homework

1. Follow ALL the directions on the "Speed Practice Part 1" worksheet. That means that EVERY blank line/space on the worksheet should show something :)

2. Turn in any make-up work by THURSDAY AT 2 PM.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Homework

YES, I know that you might be VERY confused right now... and I am sorry. I am also sorry that we've been slacking in the Science department... I promise that after we come back from break, we will be spending LOTS of time in Science.

Tonight... please try to finish the packet you got today for "notes"... we will go over it quickly tomorrow, and after February break we will revisit the concepts and make sure everyone understands SPEED!!

Also... please bring back your permission forms, we will be running sometime during the first week after vacation. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Change to Friday's Activity....

Attention students... there MIGHT be a special activity during 5th and 6th period on FRIDAY... which could change our "field trip" to walk/jog a mile :(

Here are your options...

(1) We can go ahead as planned, knowing that we will only have 4th period, and you might get sweaty

(2) We can take notes and do more in-class work tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday... and then do our walk/jog activity, and assignment that goes along with it AFTER we get back from February break (I was going to have you complete it over the vacation). We would instead walk/jog our mile on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28th

We will talk about this in class, but feel free to reply with your opinion... we WILL be walking/jogging the mile at some point either way :)

Tuesday Homework

Don't forget to turn in your homework from the weekend if you haven't already.

We took a few days off from Science to work with the iPads... but tomorrow we will be doing Science again.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weekend Homework

If you did the ODD questions in class, please pick 3 EVEN questions. Show ALL your work.

If you did the EVEN questions in class, please pick 3 ODD questions. Show ALL your work.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday Homework

Using the data from the other groups, complete the distance vs. time graph on your worksheet.

In case you missed the data, here it is: (elevation and then average time)

6 cm = 2.25 s
9 cm = 2.84 s
12 cm = 2.286 s
15 cm = 2.6 s
18 cm = 2.2 s
21 cm = 1.685 s

YOU should have calculated your groups average time AND average speed.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Friday Activity

On FRIDAY DURING CLASS we are going to collect some data to help us better understand the concepts of speed, and acceleration (which we haven't talked about yet!).

Ms. Hurst has laid out a ONE MILE course around the O'Bryant. We will go out and each student needs to walk, jog, or run the mile course and record their time for each 0.25mil (so at the end your will have 4 times, 0.25mi, 0.5mi, 0.75mi, and 1 mile).

We will collect this data, put it into a data chart, graph it, and compare it to other data.

We are going to develop and answer to the question "Does a runner run at the same speed for an entire race??"

- If you are unable to run, please have your parent/guardian email or call me before Friday. I will also accept notes IF they have contact information to verify (so don't write note "from" your parents in your handwriting...)

I will have water and a "post-run snack" for afterwards :) And of course... I will jog with you!

Science Fair

Congratulations to Woyekson Lorves for his "Food for the Beans" project. And congratulations to Amanda Leyton-Nolan and Sheldia Papa for their "Bouncing Eggs" project.

These students will represent the O'Bryant at the Boston City Science Fair on March 10th at Northeastern University!!

Tuesday Homework

None :)

Monday Homework


In class today, you came up with a claim, you gave evidence to support it, and then you gave reasons why your evidence supported the claim.

NOW you have another student's claim. Read it, consider the evidence, and listen to their reasoning. Do you think they proved or supported their claim?


In order to get credit for YOUR in class work, you MUST return the paper you took home for homework.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Weekend Homework

1. You need to complete the graphs. Distance vs Time AND Speed vs Time. You will need your completed graph for Monday's classwork.

2. Conduct your own "speed experiment." Figure out how fast you did something this weekend. You will need to know: how far you went (from home to Boston College, from your bed to the living room couch....) and how long it took you.

3. THEN, share your "experimental results" as a comment to this post. These will need to be posted by MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thursday Homework

You need to sign up as a "follower" of the class blog. Homework will be posted nightly. You will also be able to find the syllabus, rules, procedures, and policies. If you or your parents/guardians have a question about the class, this should be the first place you look. You will also be assigned to comment on a blog entry at least once a week, this may be an article I'd like you to look at or a question I want your to consider. I will tell you when there is a blog to comment on, and you will be responsible for posting withing 2 days. You should respond to this post with the following information:

You name and the name of the person your most admire.

For example, I would post: Ms. Hurst, my dad, Richard Anderson