Saturday, April 7, 2012

Edmodo Information

To join the group, copy and paste this URL:

Enter this code:


and then join the group with your REAL name and RESPOND to the question!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


In all the hussel and busses of the last 2 weeks... I neglected to take time to congratulate one of our very own, Mr. Woyekson Lorves, for earning the chance to compete in the Sate Science Fair in June. His hard work really paid off. We are proud to have Woyekson represent not only theO'Bryant, but also Homeroom 223!!! And congrats to Amanda and Sheldia... If I was a judge you'd be going to state too ;) good job girls!

Weekend Homework

If you did not complete the "Motion Review" it is due in class on Monday. We will be moving on to our last topics in Motion, ACCELERATION this week, and then we will move onto FORCE :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Weekend Homework

In the "Forces and Motion" books that were checked out to you on Friday, read the "Boston Treasure Hunt" that starts on page 20.

At the end of the reading, answer ALL of the "Thinking Questions"

Don't forget... you will have a QUIZ on Monday :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Homework

Complete the "Walk/Run Races" packet and graph the 10m, 20m, and 40m races in which the walker and the runner finish at the SAME TIME.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Silly Snow...

Having spend a good 30 minutes looking at the weather... I have decided that trying to run our mile tomorrow would be dangerous. The ground will be too slippery (track or road) and it will likely still be snowing.

So tomorrow we will have a normal class, and we will aim to run on TUESDAY (so on Monday I can remind you to dress appropriately).

Wednesday Homework

You know the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, and for a few days, we have looked at some data and graphs that go along with that story.

Now it's your turn.

Write your own "Race Story"... be sure to include data and a graph about the runners and the race.

You will get ALL the work you have turned in back tomorrow. There are also quite a few papers in the "No Name" folder... any missing work that you'd like to make-up is due FRIDAY IN CLASS (yes, I am giving you an extra night).

Term 3 ends on Friday.