Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Friday Activity

On FRIDAY DURING CLASS we are going to collect some data to help us better understand the concepts of speed, and acceleration (which we haven't talked about yet!).

Ms. Hurst has laid out a ONE MILE course around the O'Bryant. We will go out and each student needs to walk, jog, or run the mile course and record their time for each 0.25mil (so at the end your will have 4 times, 0.25mi, 0.5mi, 0.75mi, and 1 mile).

We will collect this data, put it into a data chart, graph it, and compare it to other data.

We are going to develop and answer to the question "Does a runner run at the same speed for an entire race??"

- If you are unable to run, please have your parent/guardian email or call me before Friday. I will also accept notes IF they have contact information to verify (so don't write note "from" your parents in your handwriting...)

I will have water and a "post-run snack" for afterwards :) And of course... I will jog with you!


  1. yayyyyyy :) sounds fun .. thank you!!! :D

  2. Yay!!! Cant wait to see how you run, cause you know how much you say your a good runner gonna have to see it in order to believe it :)

  3. when do we get the permission slips? :)
